Educate. Advocate. Communicate.

Foster dialogue about criminal justice reform on your college campus.

Beyond Arrests: Re-Thinking Systematic Oppression

BARS creates a space on Penn’s campus where students engage in dialogues related to criminal justice and anti-carceral advocacy. We frame our agenda around local political action and mutual aid, and hope to generate a continual presence in criminal justice reform, anti-carceral, and abolitionist advocacy in Philadelphia. From following local political campaigns to connecting with local organizations, BARS members evaluate issues at the forefront of criminal justice and advocate for a better world.

Through discussions, workshops, an annual conference, and more, BARS highlights how the criminal justice system disparately impacts different groups and demonstrates the expanse of the carceral state in the US. We often collaborate with other student groups and provide service opportunities for members to be more directly involved with the cause. Finally, BARS often invites speakers to present during our meetings, centering the voices of those who have been incarcerated or who have been impacted by the carceral state. 

We’re always open to new people getting involved with BARS! Go to “Join Our Team” to learn more. Most importantly, follow us @beyondarrests on Twitter and Instagram for consistent updates on what we’re doing, and like us on Facebook at 

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